There are so many ways to create things responsively and beyond our comprehension that we often take too much for granted.
The original picture was a captured on a walk to work via the local park. It was modified by an app on my mobile device called PicsArt within a few minutes of "poking" around the app. The variants are nearly unlimited; all could have looked interesting to someone. These particular outcome were a result of my curiosity and need for distraction and a team of talented people behind the construction of the app. I have yet to really do the research on the app, its functions and potential. As with many things this interaction leaves me in the shallows. I may never explore the app again nor get to know more of its workings. I got an immediate gratification leaving actual connections and next steps as TBD by ADHD because my world is full of scintillating and otherwise distractions.
Many participate in this 'creative' process daily via this free photo editing and drawing apps and a unique social network of creatives. We humans are filling clouds with our distractions every minute. To what end? And how many knowingly using the tools we have access to. I can take pictures but I am not a photographer; I can edit but I an not an editor and so it goes in the shallows where many of us can do more without understanding.
The second re-creation includes a fly. This original pic taken moments after the first. I often find my self saying I wish I was a fly on wall for that discussion, decision or outcome so I cold understand it better. But do we ever really understand? I am not really an artist but today with an app I created art.