Friday, February 18, 2011

studioW Express Show Perform 2-25

The Virtual Gates of Heaven

by David Garlock
The Anthology
by Susan Cinoman

Directed by: Ann Finateri and Randy Laist

Doors open at 8:30 PM

Featuring: Rose Lamoureux, Rob Iulo, Kevin Long, Cassie Iulo, Quint Johnson, and Virginia Skinner In the one-act dream play “Virtual Gates of Heaven,” a Bible-thumping televangelist dies and arrives at the entrance to Heaven, only to discover that none of his expectations about the after-life are to be fulfilled. Technological advances, corporate mergers, downsizing and globalization persist beyond the grave. All of his preconceptions about eternal bliss are upended, as the purgatorial processing of his bedraggled soul is undertaken by Heaven’s gatekeeper, the Archangel Gabriella.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Social Action Art at studioW

studioW events have packed the house.
The next event Drama & Drums is Feb 25th at WPAA-TV 28 So. Orchard St.

The Dec 10 WorldPremier debut of the parody Rockperetta
Zombie Vs. Vampire can be still be viewed on-line at Video-on-Demand at

Performance Artists interested in becoming part of the studioW experience at WPAA-TV are asked to contact the production volunteers at