Saturday, January 29, 2011

kindleNEXT --- remembering horizons past

Today I was reminded of a story that was to be a way of life...when I was 22. Reflecting, I have not failed BUT assessing, I have yet to actualize ...because I have not sustained a personal balance. I must make a truthful assessment of 'what is at hand', my toolkit and my passion. I am excited but still totally blind. I am getting hints, just hints. It is a start.

1 comment:

adele to self said...

This too was a good day..

2009 Mother's day I asked my kids to each give me 30 minutes to actualize an idea. They did and the outcome is viewable online.

It was great Teamwork. I am proud of how they came together to have fun, spontaneously sharing their talents with me.
We brainstormed my idea. I did rough cut. Cliff did camera and final edit. Dan did voice-over. And Jake was confused by us all for 15 minutes.

View. Laugh. Smile.