(In process reflection) An ambient rumble similar to the forewarning of thunder accompanies the entire train ride. It comes from beneath us. Us, the occupants of dual seats occupied auspiciously by individuals attached to appliances unless sharing seats with family: mom and child, brother and sister, guardians and youngsters. To my surprise, appliances are easily powered by seat side plugs.
I depart for the 1st time on a train from the Wallingford Train Station. In little time at all the first stop 'Meriden' is announced. The stop is across from the renovated downtown green space making it convenient for future rendezvous with destiny.
Before the Berlin stop, I decide to see what someone without a phone might do and discover the magazine Made in America. It is full of concise articles that boast adventure, bourbon, spies, former Presidents and Poet Laureate Tracey K Smith and has an abundance of for-profit college ads. The is much to graze upon as I wonder who is the target for the ads.
The poem is commissioned. Again I wonder who the poet wishes to reach.
My destination is the Capitol. A rally in celebration and renewal of, and commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I should be early. It is expected to be a walk across Bushnell Park based on the maps. I am notoriously directionally challenged.
Saving some random beauty of the last day in September.